Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Blog

Sorry for the delay in posting. I am currently working on a new wordpress blog. I will update here with the new address when it is ready to go.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time Drains

We frequently ask ourselves, where does all our time go? Continue to log your activities every day for a week to get an accurate picture of how your time is being spent. Then look through those activities and ask

  • Is this something I have to do?
    Is this something I like to do (but don't have to)?
  • Are there things I WANT to do that I'm not doing?
  • Are there things I am doing that I don't have to and don't honestly enjoy that much?

Today, consider anything that falls within the last category because this is one of the easiest ways to find more time. Are there things you are doing that are not benefitting you or anyone else, but are time-consuming? Often, these are things that "suck you in". Maybe they are things you need to invest some time in, but not to the extent you have been. For example:

  • You need to check your email but you don't need to completely read through every newsletter and chain message you get or click on every link. Skim for what is important and relevant and delete the rest.
  • It's ok to watch TV programs that you truly enjoy, but are you zoning out and watching shows that don't interest or entertain you? Pick a few programs each week and stick to watching only those.
  • Time on the internet - spent in countless ways (social media, youtube, news, celebrity gossip). Set a certain amount of time you allow yourself to be on the computer and then SHUT IT DOWN!
Simply identifying these time drains can help you find a few extra hours a week to exercise and/or plan and prepare your meals. Are there other areas where you find yourself losing track of time, but not really gaining any tangible benefits?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where does your time go?

One of the most common reasons for not exercising and eating right is not having enough time.
We all get the same amount of time - 1440 minutes a day, 168 hours a week - but we choose to spend it differently. I'm not trying to ignore the fact that some people have fewer commitments and more flexible schedules than others, but the truth is there are some people who find time to exercise and prepare healthy foods and others who don't. You need to find a way to be in the first category!

The first step to finding time in your schedule and plan more effectively is to become aware of where your time goes. For one week, keep a log of everything you do from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed.

Keep it simple! You can use a notebook, your phone, or a computer document. Just write down the time and the activity. The next step will be to find hidden pockets of time, ways to rearrange your schedule to be more efficient, and how to plan effectively. Don't skip the first step though, log everything you do for one week.

Some common "time robbers" for people I know include:
  • Email & surfing the Internet
  • TV
  • Social media - Twitter & Facebook
  • Cleaning the house & "straightening up"
  • Getting in & out of the door (getting ready in the morning and at night)

Are there "time robbers" you know are taking up too much of your time with too little payoff? If so, what are they?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Get more fruits & veggies in your diet

Here are some ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables throughout the day.


  • Add 1 small banana or ¼ cup of raisins to your cereal or oatmeal
  • Add a small piece of fruit: peach, plum, apple, banana or orange
  • Drink a glass of 100% fruit juice, like orange juice
  • Make a veggie omelet with peppers, mushrooms, and spinach


  • Add a side salad to your lunch, or choose a salad entrĂ©e
  • Eat a cup of vegetable soup
  • Choose baby carrots, celery, or sliced bell peppers as a side dish
  • Load up your sandwich or wrap with fresh veggies


  • Start with a salad or vegetable soup
  • Have 2 vegetables with dinner; choose vegetables of different colors like 1 sweet potato and 1 cup of cooked broccoli, or 2 cups of salad and a side vegetable
  • Have fruit to end your meal; try fresh berries or melon


  • Snack on cut up veggies with low fat dip, like carrots, bell peppers, broccoli
  • Drink a cup of 100% vegetable juice
  • Carry dried fruit, fruit cups, or a piece of whole fruit with you

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What can you gain?

We aren't talking about gaining weight, we're talking about health benefits. My hope today is that you will get excited about what we can do to improve our health simply through nutrition - no drugs or miracle pills required!
  • Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can improve health, energy level, and general well being.
  • People who eat larger portions of fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk of chronic diseases such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and possibly heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • Fruits and vegetables contain healthy antioxidants and phytochemicals.
  • Fruits and vegetables are good food choices to assist in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight because they are low in calories but high in nutrients, fiber, and water to fill you up.
  • Diets high in fruits and vegetables can promote memory function and healthy aging.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables promotes strong bones and teeth and healthy vision.

So what are you eating today?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One diet change to make today

Do you know what change in your diet could vastly improve your health, calorie balance, and weight loss efforts?

Eat 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! Sometimes counting calories and grams of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be tedious. There are no gimmicks or tricks involved in this approach - simply eat more wholesome, nutritious fruits and vegetables. As long as you are eating a variety (i.e. don't eat only avocados, potatoes and bananas) you are going to naturally improve your diet.

It is important to focus what you SHOULD be eating and not just what you SHOULD NOT be eating. Motivational experts will tell you - you naturally gravitate towards what you are focusing on and thinking the most about. So if your thoughts are "Don't eat desserts, don't eat desserts, don't eat desserts" desserts are going to be more noticeable to you and even more appealing because you have been thinking about them all day.

Focus on eating a variety of delicious fruits and vegetables and all the health benefits they will bring you!